Earlier this month Fr. Frank Pavone of
Priests for Life sent out a mailing with a list containing "
10 Reasons Why We're WINNING the Fight to End Abortion". It was taken from an article he wrote for the Summer 2007 issue of
The Human Life Review titled
10 Reasons Why We're Winning. In the article he goes into more depth of explaining what the points mean. You can follow the link to the article to read the full article.
Interestingly enough, this week the Allan Guttmacher Institute (research & propaganda arm of Planned Parenthood) released a report showing that the number of abortions is the lowest in 30 years. (
U.S. abortion rate hits 30-year low) The article quotes a spokesperson for the institute, Rachel Jones, had this to say about why the decline: "
It could be more women using contraception and not having as many unintended pregnancies. It could be more restrictions on abortions, making it more difficult for women to obtain abortion services. It could be a combination of these and other dynamics." (emphasis mine) What she is admitting, without admitting it, is that Fr. Pavone is right. Here comments support some of Fr. Pavone's reasons.
The article goes on to quote Randall O'Bannon of the National Right to Life Committee: "It's still a massive number, but it's moving in the right direction." It goes on to say: "He added that at least some of the drop could be due to changing attitudes, as reflected in the hit movie “Juno” about a pregnant teenager who rejects having an abortion.
"Even look at Hollywood," said O'Bannon. "More and more people are starting to reconsider their positions.""
O'Bannon is right. Besides Bella, there have been several other movies like Juno, that take a Pro-Life stance. They show the unwed mother as either keeping or giving up the child for adoption rather than murdering the child via abortion. I have seen this fact decried by at least 1 feminist columnist. She is clearly upset that these movies undercut their feminist sacrament as the only viable option for an unwed mother.
So what are these 10 Reasons? They are:
1. The Survivors ... the young are pro-life!
2. Conversion ... from pro-abortion to pro-life!
3. Remorse ... all those speaking out against abortion from personal experience!
4. Fewer doctors and abortion mills!
5. Litigation ... information on the unborn entered into court records!
6. Science ... evidence mounts that abortion harms women!
7. Abortion supporters have run out of arguements!
8. Voters ... our pro-life cause has more of them!
9. Legislation ... more pro-life laws being passes!
10. Corruption ... abortion is destroying itself!
Jesus has already WON the victory over death!
Jesus HAS WON the victory! As Fr. Pavone says: "The pro-life movement is closer to achieving its goal of restoring protection to children in the womb than most people involved in the movement realize. As I travel the nation and work full-time to end abortion, I see many signs of this success and speak about it frequently. This article summarizes some of those signs. They are "motives of credibility": reasons for believing that the end of abortion in America will come sooner than we think, and that we will not have to wait for the next generation to plan and carry out victory celebrations. That will be our task."
He is right. We are getting closer. After 35 years it is easy to get discouraged. At times it seems like we are suffering more setbacks than successes. But we shouldn't give up.
Nor should we get overconfident. We can't rest on our laurels. The fight is far from over. We have a ways to go. As Fr. Pavone said in the article: "It is important to note that this does not mean we underestimate the obstacles in our way, nor the amount of labor and patience it will take to achieve the victory. Nor must we lose sight of the fact that the closer we get to victory, the harder the other side will push back, and the more hostile they will become. This should not, therefore, be interpreted as an invitation to relax our efforts or to take our progress for granted, but rather to intensify our efforts and to recruit more people to join a winning team."
Yes, there will be more attacks, even physical violence against us as we try to peacefully put an end to this holocaust of the last 35 years. The media attacks will increase. We will be lied about & misrepresented in so many ways. But we must go on, even when we suffer an apparent setback. The victory IS OURS in the end! If we are willing to go on.
"Nor do these signs of victory mean that any of us knows the exact manner in which abortion will end. If we gathered a hundred pro-life leaders and asked them precisely how they think abortion will be eradicated, none of the answers may correspond to what will actually happen. Yet we are able to discern the key weaknesses of the abortion movement, and the encouraging pro-life dynamics that the other side can do nothing to stop. We who are pro-life cannot afford to ignore these dynamics, and should not miss out on the encouragement they bring."
So, when we are feeling tired, weary & ready to compromise, we should remember these facts. We should continue to fight. To compromise is to surrender & that is what they want. As I said, the victory is our, to win or lose. With victory closer than ever, NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO QUIT.
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