Friday night (21 Dec 2007) Governor
Mike Huckabee was in DBQ & spoke at Loras College. After a few introductory remarks, he answered questions from the audience of about 90-100 people.
Naturally, part of the focus was on the recent attacks on his record as governor of Arkansas by his opponents, Romney in particular. Gov Huckabee refused to mention any names of those attacking him. But he did have some strong words to say on how the facts were being presented. "When you tell a half-truth as if it were a whole truth, it becomes an untruth."
He talked about the number of pardons/comutations made under his administration. He pointed out that while the number seems high, that it was only about 1/9th of the requests that came before him. He told the stories of 2 of his commutations. & to be honest, I would have reached the same decision as he did. Giving commutations are a part of the job, & there are good reasons for doing so. He did admit that there were a couple he did regreat because of the results.
As for taxes being raised, he pointed out how part of the tax raises were the results of a court order. & that the 1 tax raise was the result of an 80% voter approval.
He made a call for America to be energy independent within 10 years. He said that if we could get to the moon in 10 years, we could do this.
As for the 2nd Amendment, he made it clear that he believes it clearly includes allowing the ownership of semi-automatic as well as automatic weapons by individuals.
Other questioned focused on immigration, no amnesty, health care, more focus on preventative & same sex marriage (against). (1 other I mention below in my comments.)
He also said that the Iowa caucuses can show that money alone won't buy a win. The said that our system is such that the people are the rulers & elected officials are supposed to be servants.
Overall, I think he handled himself very well. When talking to the person who supports same sex marriage, he was very respectful of the person while making it clear he disagreed & why he thought she was wrong in her views.
I have to add a couple of comments about our local paper's coverage. In the TH it said the crowd was only 60. At 1 point before the appearance I was already well past that in my count. 2ndly, I found it interesting that the article mentioned every question asked but 1. That question was on the myth that is propagated about what the 1st Amendment actually says about religion & the seperation of Church & State. Let's say that I wasn't surprized they omited it. & by doing so once again proved their anti-Christian bias they so often show.
In the last 2 days another controversy has sprung up. Gov. Huckabee is scheduled to speak at Rev. John Hagee's church today (23 Dec.). The problem is Hagee is virulently anti-Catholic. (
Mike Huckabee to speak at strongly anti-Catholic preacher's church) Personally, I wish he wouldn't speak there. But what I find even more interesting is the fact that the Romney campaign is adding this to the tax/commutation attack list against Huckabee. I would like to ask Gov Romney if he opposed President Bush's 2000 campaign visit to anti-Catholic Bob Jones Univesity as vocally. Again, I wish Pres. Bush hadn't made that visit either. Still, I understand why Huckabee is doing so, even if I think he shouldn't.
At 23/12/07 9:59 AM ,
James H said...
Interesting post thank you. I very much enjoy seeing post from blogs from people that are events like this. Anyway as a Catholic I have spoken on "controversy" with Huckabee 3 times this week. I am a Huckabee supporter but these are my thoughts. BY the way ROmney got the Bob JOnes Unversity endorsement this year which his supporters that are going after Huckabee fal to note lol
Huckabee Disavows Hagee's Anti-Catholic Sentiments
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