I came up with that line many years ago when all the to do about everything you eat being hazardous to your health for some reason or another. (I'm sure I'm not the only 1 who has.) & it has only gotten worse since then. The biggest offender as far as I am concerned is the "Gang of Idiots" not at MAD Magazine but at the Center for Science in the Public Interest. They keep coming out with what I call "DUH!!!!" announcements about how something is harmful in a favorite food. Yes, too much fat is bad, yes too many calories is bad. But, the problem isn't the food, it is the people eating it.
Yet, the elitist "Food Police" people like this think they should be in control & letting you eat only what they approve. When they come out with their stupid pronouncements, I think of the scene in Woody Allen's Sleeper where they tell Allen's character, Miles Monroe, that everything they thought was bad in the early 70s was actually good for you.
Any food in excess can be bad. & I should know, since I am dealing with years of bad eating habits. However, I refuse to blame fast food, Hostess, Oreos, choclate chips or any other food. For whatever reasons were behind them,I made the choices myself. & I am responsible for my own actions.
But that is a part of what bugs the "Food Police (Food Fascists actually, that make the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld seem like a pussy cat.), that people, even with all the nutrional info out there, still ignore it & buy what they want. In other words the free market at work. These "Police" hate that, so they kick into fascist mode by encouraging bottom feeder lawyers like John Edwards & John Banzhaf III to start class action suits to override the free market & impose their will on us.
Our Thanksgiving Guest Liability and Indemnification Form comes in carbon-copy triplicate for proper record-keeping come court time. The Agreement prevents your guest from suing you by duly warning him or her that dangerous conditions, risks, and hazards may lurk in the turkey, stuffing, vegetables, cranberry sauce, fixings, drinks, desserts, appetizers, and any or all other comestibles that may be served.
"The waiver includes an agreement not to haul your host into court on the basis of:
1. Failure to provide nutritional information;
2. Failure to warn of the potential for overeating because food tastes too good and is provided at no cost;
3. Failure to offer “healthier alternatives” or vegetarian “tofurkey”;
4. Failure to provide information about other venues serving alternative, “healthier” Thanksgiving meals;
5. Failure to warn that dark meat contains more fat than white meat; and
6. Failure to warn that eating too much and not exercising may lead to obesity."
OK the form is really using humor to make a point. That point, enough already. Food Police butt out!!!!!
1 of the things that i find funny is that many of these same people who are trying to take away our "choice" of what to eat are the same people who are "pro-choice" when it comes to abortion, are opposed to parental control, etc. Choice to murder unborn OK, choice to eat as you like for good or bad, NOT!
If they are so concerned about life, why aren't these "Food Police" defending the unborn? (Note: The CCF has not taken a stand on abortion & this post is not ment to imply that they have. It is merely me expressing my own opinions freely.) PETA is (alledged) concerned about animal rights, but not human. I could go on & on.
The fact is, all life is valuable & should be defended. People should be educated about proper diet. Yet, unlike abortion, the only person I am hurting is myself if I don't eat properly.
So, you can do like I will & enjoy your Thanksgiving Dinner. That doesn't mean you have to opt to pig out. I won't. But don't let the "Food Police" ruin your fun either.
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