With less than 5 hours until the official release of Summorum Pontificum, it now seems as if Papa Benedetto is landing a 1-2 punch. News reports are circulating that the Pope's old stomping grounds, The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, will be issuing a new document on 10 July that promises to be as controversial as Summorum Pontificum will be & as controversial as a previous document issued by that congregation under Cardinal Ratzinger, Dominus Iesus, was.
The subject: "Ecclesia subsistit in Ecclesia catholica" (The Church of Christ subsists in/is realized in the Catholic Church) taken from the line in the Vatican II document
Lumen gentium. As stated in a Kath.net-
Exclusive, a new document can be expected shortly that "
will deal with the self-conception of the Church and will supposedly be released July 10th. This document will state the unique character of the Catholic Church and that Protestant churches are not churches in the narrow sense." (Leaving the Orthodox Churches' status unchanged.)
I don't expect today's
moto proprio to completely please those who want the
Tridentine liturgy. This is based on what I have seen of a
leak of some of the contents (despite the news embargo, no big surprize, esp given how things work in Italia). But, it will open the doors to a much greater use in some areas. The reality is, that, like the
Novus Ordo, the reverence will depend greatly on the priest, etc who are involved in the liturgy. I can remember many a
Tridentine Mass that was rushed, anything but reverent. & I have seen
Novus Ordo liturgies done very reverently. What I have read in several places, & agree with myself, is that the effect this will have is to get true liturgical reform back on track.
As for next Wed's document, the sound you hear is another nail being pounded into the casket of relativism. Many people said that Cardinal Ratzinger's homily before the conclave on relativism was his campaign speech to get elected pope. While anyone with any sense knows it really wasn't, I couldn't help but think that unlike many politicians who forget their promises after getting elected, Papa Benedetto is pushing ahead with what he feels that God has called him to do as Pope.
Meanwhile, I expect plenty of handwringing by those who oppose reverence, orthodoxy & anything that is good, true & of God. In other words, all the usual suspects.
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