Yesterday, in talking about the battle against the "culture of death" I made mention of what I consider 1 of the most powerful prayer weapons out there to use in the fight to bring about the "Culture of Life", the Rosary. Well, in 1 of those little
Divine Coincidences that are anything but a coincidence I came across an article on Amy Welborn's blog
Open Book entitled
Day of Prayer. In it she talks about a gathering of a group of about 100 people including Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann (Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS) "
to pray the Holy Rosary outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Leawood, KS." She got her info from a
post on another blog
Kansas City Catholic (
The KCC post gave a short report on the event. After praying "many went over to Cure' of Ars Catholic Church for an informational meeting. Those attending learned more about planning future and ongoing witness outside this abortuary."
Wolftracker (the blog's author) had this to say about going to an abortion clinic to pray: "Standing outside an abortion clinic is not unlike walking in the valley of death mentioned in Psalm 23. But those that have faith know that in God's good earth there are also green pastures, as mentioned in the same psalm. That came to mind as we were getting on close to home."
As for Archbishop Naumann's role he said the following: "Wolftracker wants to send a hearty thanks to Archbishop Naumann for attending and leading the Holy Rosary. That is leadership." I want to echo what he said. We need more bishops like him who are willing to stand up & lead the battles. That is a part of their vocation as a bishop, leading their flock in the batlles against evil. Let us pray that God raises up many more shepherds who model themselves on The Good Shepherd, Jesus.
After saying all this about the importance of praying the Rosary, I would be remiss if I didn't provide some links with aides in praying the Rosary.
Priests for Life &
Human Life International both have sections devoted to the Rosary. Their Rosary sections have Pro-Life meditiations that can be used when praying the Rosary.
Priests for Life has additional meditaions for the start of each decade. (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious
here, Luminous
here) HLI's section includes the basics on how to pray it for those who are unfamiliar with the Rosary or haven't prayed it for so long that they are rusty. (I can here someone saying you talk the talk, but do you walk the walk. Yes, at least once a week I specifically pray a Rosary where I offer up each
Our Father for 10 fathers involved in a [potential] abortion, each
Hail Mary for a mother involved, & each
Glory Be for 10 abortion providers. This is in addition to all the other prayers & actions that are a part of my participating in the battle against the "culture of death". But enough about me.)
As an aside, & another "Divine Coincidence": As I was typing this I had on EWTN's streaming video & was listenning to Dana's show We Are 1 Body. 1 of the guests was talking about finishing up a Spanish language Rosary CD with flamingo style music. Any more arguements against praying the Rosary, take them up with God. I think He has pretty much settled the issue as far as I am concerned.
(Photo; KCC Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann with some of the people gathered to pray.)
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