Reading various blogs often results in that wonderful bit of serendipity of finding something interesting to post on your blog which hopefully then you can return the favor to someone else.
While checking out a couple blogs I stumbled onto
The Spirit's Sword (2) via
un-Muted Mumblings. There was a post with a link to
Great Firewall of China. As you may have heard various levels of China's government are blocking a wide variety of websites, keeping its citizens from accessing them. The website allows you to
test & see if your website is blocked.
How does it work? According to the site: "We’ve opened a website in China and route your url request on through to our server in China. The server in China opens the url and the result is send back. Our testing is only based on one server on one location in China. We have different backup servers in different locations in China might one go down."
As for my blog. At this point I apparently haven't done anything to get someone in China upset about anything I've written. Although I am sure some people here in the USA might be a little upset about some of my posts. Anyhow, I guess I'll have to do something about it. Look out Red China, 007 IS COMING AFTER YOU.
Meanwhile, it also serves as a reminder that even though we have our flaws in the good old USA, we are still protected by the 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech (unless you are Christian & want to publicly express your faith near a member of the A[nti]C[hristian] Liberties Union).
(As an aside, neither of the other 2 above blogs have yet to be blocked.)
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