Who's Who for the 2008 Republican Presidential Race
- Samuel Dale (Sam) Brownback, US Senator from Kansas
- John Cox Illinois
- James S. (Jim) Gilmore III (unofficial site), former governor of Virginia
- Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives from Georgia
- Rudolph William Louis (Rudy) Giuliani III, former mayor of New York City, NY
- Charles Timothy (Chuck) Hagel (unofficial site), US Senator from Nebraska
- Michael Dale (Mike) Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas
- Duncan Lee Hunter, US House of Representatives from California
- John Sidney McCain III, US Senator from Arizona
- Ronald Ernest “Ron” Paul, US House of Representatives from Texas
- George Elmer Pataki, former governor of New York
- Michael Richard (Mike) Pence, US House of Representatives from Indiana
- Willard Mitt Romney, former governor of Massechusetts
- Michael Savage (radio show website), talk radio host
- Michael Charles Smith, Oregon
- Richard Michael Smith, Texas
- Thomas Gerard (Tom) Tancredo, US House of Representatives from Colorado
- Tommy George Thompson, former governor of Wisconsin
Those who were possibilities & have said no to a run in 2008 (OK, I included a couple of these in my poll to see how strong their appeal is.):
- George Felix Allen, former US Senator from Virginia
- John Ellis (Jeb) Bush , former Governor of Florida
- US Vice President Richard Bruce (Dick) Cheney
- William Harrison (Bill) Frist, former US Senate Majority Leader (from Tennessee)
- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
- Governor Marshall Clement (Mark) Sanford, South Carolina
- Richard John (Rick) Santorum, former US Senator from Pennsylvania
Someone I wish would run:
- Julius Caesar (J.C.) Watts former member US House of Representatives from Oklahoma
UPDATED 5 February 2007: Added Michael (Mike) Huckabee's & Richard Michael Smith's official websites & James Gilmore unofficial website.
UPDATED 6 February 2007: Added Michael Savage to list as he has announced he is considering a run.
At 5/2/07 12:06 PM ,
Archer said...
You can find Richard Michael Smith's website at www.rmsmith2008.com. He's a staunch pro-life candidate.
At 5/2/07 11:36 PM ,
Al said...
Thanks for the info on Richard Michael Smith's website.
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