This whole PC Holiday thing is going beyond absurd to surreal. I've been noticing the various stores in tha mall where I go to walk. Some of the stores do say Christmas or Merry Christmas. Others just say Happy Holidays, yet all their signage is clear that they are refering to Christmas, not Hannukah presents. (Although Borders does have some Hannukah gifts they do have signage with Christmas on it. I tip my hat to their sensible respect for everyone's intelligence & beliefs.) Putting up this Holiday only signage raises some questions. Do they think we are idiots? Or are they ignorant of the fact that by trying to be PC they are actually insulting the intelligence of most people (Christian, Jewish, Muslim) who are not insulted by Merry Christmas?
Then there are those stores who are trying to have it both ways. They don't have any signage up , just some decorations that are obviously Christmas decorations. They have lights, wreaths, bows, swags, etc. Again, who do they think they are fooling? But, what I have noticed is quite a number of stores have nothing at all. Cowardice? I don't know. I just know that a couple of them do have red signs for their sale items that may or may not be that color for the holiday.
Another joke is this year's US Postal Service's holiday CD A Very Special Charlie Brown Holiday Collection. It clearly honors the 40th Anniversary of A Charlie Brown Christmas TV special. & a couple of the songs mention Christmas. So, even they have given into the PC Grinch. I won't fault them for listing their stamps under holiday however as they do sell them for a variety of holidays. They call the Madonna & Child stamp their traditional Christmas stamp, they have a Hannukah stamp, a Kwanzaa stamp & an Eid stamp also, all of which have the holiday named on the stamp, so they aren't being PC there. Their Holiday Snowflake stamp that they say is to celebrate the Winter holiday season says nothing (although the USA is red & the 39 is green. So, some subtle PC there.) & their holiday gift section includes gifts for Hannukah & Kwanzaa as well as Christmas. In fact they have a Christmas Card with the Madonna & Child design on the front. All in all, I'd say they have a mixed record.
& I won't add any more to the Christkindlmarket Christmas festival fiasco in Chicago. I'll just say that the City government is doing a great job of sticking both feet in its mouth. They have to be up to their knees by now.
It is the Christmas shopping season. Stores are selling gifts for Christmas presents. Can we stop playing the games? Those who are trying to stop any mention of Christmas are bullies plain & simple. They are worse than the Grinch ever was. We need to stop being afraid & to stand up to them. Bullies thrive on fear. It lets them get away with their wrongs. It is time for all of us to enjoy our holidays as they were ment to be enjoyed. & for us to be free to wish our friends, & strangers, a HAPPY _________*! no matter what the holiday may be.
As a slight aside, what ever happenned to coffee mugs that say Merry Christmas? I have found them with Happy Holidays, snowmen, Christmas trees & even angels, but except for 1 that was part of a premade decoration none that say Merry Christmas. All I want is a nice cheap coffee cup for work that says Merry Christmas.
* Fill in the blank with your prefered holiday.
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