I'm sure by now almost everyone has heard the rant by Sir Elton John about how religion should be banned. (
Elton John: Religion Promotes 'Hatred and Spite' Against Gays) Yet, he has no qualms about putting out an album of Christmas music done by various artists entitled
Elton John's Christmas Party. Naturally it is a selection of seasonal songs that are totally devoid of any religious conotation. (Step into Christmas, Feliz Navidad, The Man with All the Toys, Jingle Bell Rock, Run Rudolph Run, Christmas Island etc)
What gets me is doesn't he realize that without organized religion & Christianity in particular he would never be able to put out an album like that in the 1st place?
Note: I am a big fan of his music. But there are times like this when I wish he would just stop sticking his foot in his mouth & sing. Another good example of this is an interview he did in Aug 2006, In it he said that "he'd like American bands to adopt the cutting-edge, glam-rock style made popular by his peers." "It's been a thing the British have always been very good at, with Bowie, myself, T.Rex, the Who, Queen. ... We all embraced that side of it." (FoxNews
Elton John: American Bands Need Fashion Sense). This from a guy who in the 70s was known to wear sequinned outfits & glasses that would make Liberace green with envy & dress up onstage as Donald Duck? But, according to that same article he justifies what he did back then. "John says his theatrical style, made famous in his '70s heyday, was meant "to give people a bit of fun" while he sat at the piano for long sets." Sir Reg, you can't have it both ways, quite trying.
In the column he shows the difference between how Christianity really treats gays & Elton's attitude: "Despite that “hatred and spite,” religious leaders actually express more tolerance to homosexuality (and non-believers) than Sir Elton expresses toward organized faith. Imagine the indignation if a religious leader suggested that we need to “ban homosexuality completely” --- or urged an outright prohibition on atheism? It’s true that many believing Christians want to persuade gays to overcome their same-sex urges, or try to get non-believers to replace their doubt with faith, but no factions in the varied array of conservative religious groups has called for “banning” ideas with which they disagree."
Later he goes on to point out: "Secularists are less willing to accept the ideas of believers (ideas they regularly deride as dangerous, deluded, dumb) because they worry (appropriately) that they are losing the international debate. A point of view confident of its own arguments wouldn’t make the case for “bans” or “suppression” --as Sir Elton John did so fatuously in his recent interview. "
& has Sir Elton experienced any of this hatred himself? "At the conclusion of the conversation, he all but concedes that the “hatred and spite” he imputes to organized religion never really applied to him or interfered with his personal pursuit of happiness. 'I don’t know what it is with me,' he sighed. 'People treat me very reverently. It was the same when Dave and I had our civil union – I was expecting the odd flour bomb and there wasn’t. Dave and I as a couple seem to be the acceptable face of gayness, and that’s great.' "
I agree with Michael Medved's suggestion for Sir Elton: "It might also be “great” if Sir Elton and other committed secular leftists adopted the same respectful attitude of live-and-let live toward religious believers (those “hateful lemmings”) that most of the faithful so readily accord to them. "
My take on why Sir Reg ranted against organized religion is that it is more that he is aware that his gay lifestyle is wrong & sinful than the damage that some people did in the name of religion to gays. There are those who have wrongfully done hateful things to gays in the name of God. Instead they should have done as Jesus would loving them while still challenging them to repent & turn away from thier sinful lifestyles. Elton you need to quite looking at a few faulty messengers & look at the message. God loves you. He wants you to turn from your lifestyle that goes against His will & repent. Turn to Him.
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