A short while ago I finished watching a rerun of EWTN Live. The guests were Fr. Frank Pavone & Janet Morana of Priests for Live. The program had a lot to think about.
1 of the things the focused on was the importance of being informed & involved in this year's elections. What does that mean?
Informed should be obvious. It means to be aware of where the various candidates stand on the abortion issue. But, it also means knowing what you can do to get involved, i.e. inform others, writing letters to the editor, get out the vote, etc. &, of course, the most important action of all, prayer.
To help you with this Priests for Life have set up a special section on their website which can be reached at
http://www.politicalresponsibility.org . The 1st thing in that section is a request to join in their novena for the election. Prayer is the 1st action that a person must take. But, it doesn't stop there. Each person must take concrete actions to ensure that the pro-life message gets out & the right candidates are elected. It also has information on Fr. Pavone's new booklet
Voting with a Clear Conscience. This booklet has plenty of useful information to help any Catholic, or anyone who is pro-life, now what to do so he can make the right decisions about the candidates. The website has info on a wide variety of activities that you can do. & it has plenty of info on what church's can & can't do politically.
Pro-life is not the property of any 1 party or political philosophy. Pro-life should cut accross the entire spectrum. Please get involved. Those of you who have looked at my profile know that I am involved in a variety of ways. I have worked for pro-life candidates, I have prayed at abortion mills, I have marched in Walks for Life, wrote letters to the editor, contacted candidates/elected officials & done many other things over the yrs. & I will continue to do so. Please. don't sit on the sidelines. There are over 3500 lives lost each day to abortion. This cannot stand. If it does, we are well on the road to losing our freedom. As Pope John Paul the Great said in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae: “To claim the right to abortion, infanticide and euthanasia, and to recognize that right in law, means to attribute to human freedom a perverse and evil significance: that of an absolute power over others and against others. This is the death of true freedom” When history looks back at our era will it see us as ensuring liberty & justice for all or that we threw away our freedom.
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