Israel & Hezbollah
& as a Catholic I am paying attention to the statements issued by the Vatican. & trying to make some sense of why it said some of what it said. In particular to how it said Israel has the right to defend itself, yet the very things it needs to do, the statement seemingly condemns. "As in the past, the Holy See also condemns both the terrorist attacks on the one side and the military reprisals on the other. Indeed, a state's right to self-defense does not exempt it from respecting the norms of international law, especially as regards the protection of civilian populations," Cardinal Sodano said. "Once again," he said, "it appears obvious that the only path worthy of our civilization is that of sincere dialogue between the contending parties."
All the reports I have read show that Israel is doing their best to avoid civilians. Yet Hezbollah has no respect for civilians. It has vowed to wipe out Israel. In order to do it they will wipe out civilians, children, whoever stands in their way. By their actions they have shown that they are unwilling to engage in sincere dialogue with Israel.Israel's ambassador to the UN, Dan Gillerman, pointed out that they are responding to an unprovoked attack from Hezbollah. To do so they have to fire on the places Hezbollah is operating out of. Where?, as is reported on Fox News' website: "Hezbollah operates with near autonomy in south Lebanon" The report goes on to point out:" and the government has resisted international pressure to disarm it — a step that could break the country apart."
"The real occupying power in Lebanon is terror — terror instigated by Hezbollah but funded by Iran and Syria," Gillerman said. Lest you think what he is saying is hyperbole, consider the following. The EU Parliament on 10 March 2005 approved the following resolution:"Parliament considers that clear evidence exists of terrorist activities on the part of Hezbollah and that the EU Council should take all necessary steps to curtail them." Many countries, including the USA consider Hezbollah a terrorist orginization.
On 2 September 2004, the UN Security Council adopted resolution # 2559, co-authored by France & the USA. It called for "all remaining foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon", & "or the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias". Israel puuled out of Lebanon. Lebanon was supposed to disarm Hezbollah. On 28 January 2005 the UN Security Council issued another resolution, # 1583. From the UN Press release about the statement: "Through the unanimous adoption of resolution 1583 (2005), the Council expressed great concern about the serious breaches and the sea, land and continuing air violations of the Blue Line. It urged the parties to put an end to the violations, refrain from any act or provocation that could further escalate the tension, and abide scrupulously by their obligation to respect the safety of the Interim Force and other United Nations personnel. The text was sponsored by Denmark, France, Greece, Romania, United Kingdom and the United States." On 23 January 2006, in response to Lebanon's failure to obey either resolution, the UN Security Council issued the following statement: “The Council calls on the Lebanese Government to sustain its efforts to achieve progress on all these issues in accordance with resolution 1559 (2004) and to pursue a broad national dialogue, and the Council calls on all other parities concerned, in particular the Government of Syria, to cooperate to this end.” As is evidenced by recent events, Lebanon has failed in its responsiblity to do so. & in my mind, by doing so, are as responsible & guilty as Hezbollah.
I agree with Cardinal Soldano that negotiations would be the ideal. But, as I said earlier, Hezbollah's actions have proven that they will not keep their word. I am not claiming that Israel has handled everything perfectly. But, in looking back on everything Israel has done, pulling out, giving up territory, etc, on the promises of the other side, only to be attacked, there reaches a point, sadly, where they are left no choice but to defend itself. Still, as their Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, told UN chief Kofi Annan, they are willing to let the UN mediate a cease-fire. But only if the terms include disarming Hezbollah & the return of the 2 kidnapped Israeli soldiers.
At this point all I can do is pray. Pray that things don't escalate. Pray that Lebanon, rather than condemning Israel because of its actions, will do what it should have done a long time ago & disarm Hezbollah. In doing so, it will show Israel that it is sincere in its desire for peace & give Israel reason to trust their words as more than empty promises.
The Middle East has a history of arround 5000 yrs of war & strife in this area. So, it would seem that my hopes are pie in the sky. But, I also have a deep faith in God, that He can change hearts. That He can bring about a peaceful solution to the problems in the Middle East. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He can bring that peace about. A peace that sees that both Arab & Jew are treated justly, that both can have a homeland where they can live in safety. Hopeless, if done only by man's power & strength. But, as Scripture reminds us, with God, ALL things are possible.
At 16/7/06 5:51 AM ,
Alan said...
Amen!!!!!!! With God all Things are possible. I am a little Lutheran Boy in Macon, Georgia. I was born and raised near Clayton, Iowa, which is just right up the River from Guttenberg. My beloved Father was an employee of John Deere Dubuque as well as a Farmer.
Your insight into the Israel and Hezbollah is very informative. There is nothing we can do but Pray as you pointed out. However it is also my sincere desire that although the strife in the Mid-East has been going on for years, that we all never forget that governments are allowed to function by our God. I hope that diplomatic channels are now being employed, just as they have been in the past to resolve this issue.
Yes, we here in the U. S. A. have a lot to be extremely Thank Full for; but we must also be involved with the world situation.
One More Republican, Alan from Clayton County, Iowa.
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