Normally during Lent, the big thing you hear is how some liturgeist insists that the parish remove the Holy Water in the fonts & replaces it with sand, even with the Vatican making it clear that is a no-no. Additionally, the Holy Water has been removed from the huge container most Churches have so people can get some for use at home. The idea behind denying people the graces associated with the sacramental was to make its absence a reminder that Lent is a desert time of prayer like Jesus went through. I have no idea why denying people access to graces helps a person better live their faith. Fortunately that practice seems to be dying the death it so richly deserves.
Now it seems that the screwing up the liturgy has taken a well meaning, but just as liturgically wrong turn.
According to The Pinoy Catholic, some priest in the Philippines decided that the only way to ensure the palm was blessed was to do this:
The ritual for the blessing of the palms calls for a prayer & then the sprinkling of holy water. No where does it say every frond has to have the Holy Water touch it, let alone those holding them get a shower.
If the need for the Holy Water to touch every piece of palm then somebody better tell the Pope he is doing it wrong:
& you thought
using a super soaker at
Mass was bad?
Which leads me to this question, what next, using a hose at the Easter Vigil & at other Masses where they use the sprinkling rite to ensure everyone is getting hit by the Holy Water?
I hope not, while it is nice to have some of the water fall on me if the priest is blessing the congregation, I still receive all the blessings & graces if I remain entirely dry. There is nothing in the rubrics that says everyone in the congregation has to be directly sprinkled, just the congregation as a whole. & as a whole we receive the blessings & graces, just as every palm frond is blessed even if it isn't one of those that has the Holy Water touch it.
I am sure this isn't the end of ridiculous ideas like these. Lord, deliver us from well-meaning but mistaken ideas like these.
The Badger Catholic
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