Given all her claims over the last few years about her being a devout Catholic while being anything but, many of which I have chronicled here, when I saw this picture in a blog post, I knew it captured her mindset as to what type of Catholic she sees herself as exactly. She has set herself up as her own magesterium to justify her misrepresentation of Catholic teaching & practices at best, her downright heretic & dissident stands at worst.
This picture accompanied a post by
Calvin Freiburger over @ the Live Action blog. In
The Hubris of Pope Pelosi he looks at how she has appointed "
herself a better authority on abortion than the Pope". Sort of like Jon O'Brien, head honcho of "Catholycs for abortion" who was on the Laura Ingraham show Monday which I
posted about. & while this picture has La Papessa Pelosi, you could photoshop the face of any of the dissident Catholics out there in the public forum who strive to undermine the authentic magesterium of the Catholic Church. That includes those in politics, like Sibelius as well as all those promoting the false "Spirit of Vatican II" like Joanie Chittister or Hans Küng. All of them suffer from a huge case of hubris when it comes to their view of their being right & the magesterial teaching of the Catholic Church being wrong. & all of them will suffer the same fate as those who have gone before, failure to have their viewpoint win out over the truth.
So some time in the future the list of heresies that the Church has successfully defended herself againt might include Pelosianism. It will be described as claiming that if you call yourself a devout Catholic then you can oppose or misrepresent any & every Church doctrine/teaching, but especially the Pro-life ones that, if you upheld them, doing so would keep you from gaining political power as a Democrat.
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