Would Tiller be alive today if Sibelius & the rest of her corrupt gang running Kansas for the abortion industry hadn't protected him from serious prosecution?
I say this because as I read the article linked to below, I saw the details of how they kept Tiller from jail even though he deserved to go there because of all the laws he had broken. & as I realized more & more that he would have been in jail, I began to realize that the person who murdered him wouldn't have been able to kill Tiller because he wouldn't have been able to get to Tiller. & thus instead of protecting him, they made it possible for the murder to take place.
Of course I find the murder of Tiller just as repulsive as his murder of the unborn. & I know that the pro-aborts tried to paint the entire pro-life movement as responsible for Tiller's murder by rightly calling him a baby killer*. Clearly, the murderer did NOT speak for the pro-life movement in any way, shape or form. Nor was there any blame on our part for what he did. But while this is pure speculation, the abortion industry may have played a part in his death, not the pro-lifers as they claim.
* As an aside, I find it ironic that the Health & Human Services under Sibelius wants to put a
warning label on cigarettes about how smoking hurts the unborn baby. Smoking is bad because it may harm the unborn baby's health. But abortion is OK since it only kills the bay. What's wrong with this picture?
At 25/6/11 8:57 AM ,
Patrick Button said...
HHS should put warnings on abortion clinics like they do on cigarettes. "Warning: Entering this building may result in the death of an unborn child."
At 27/6/11 1:59 PM ,
Al said...
I like the idea. Unfortunately these days it is the pro-aborts that are trying to shut down crisi pregnancy centers by making them post signs about not doing abortions.
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