A Step in the Right Direction
While this is a step in the right direction, the ideal situation will be when the mill is totally closed down. & while it will make it harder for the Webster & his minions to cover up things, I have to admit I was a bit surprized the city actually did this. I say that because of how many passes the city has given the mill in the past even with evidence. Someone may be finally getting fed & & decided to do something. Whatever the reason, as I said, it is good news.
New Protection For Rockford Pro-Lifers ArrivesThis camera will be able to provide some protection for pro-lifers and keep the mill under surveillance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!
Pro-lifers have been requesting this camera for a long time, and we thank the police and the city for putting it up for the protection of everyone.
One of the reasons this camera is so needed is that the Rockford abortion mill has a long history of "forgetting" to turn its cameras on when pro-lifers have been threatened or assaulted.
Here are just a few examples of how the Rockford abortion mill has lied and covered up for the crimes of its employees and supporters.
1. In 2006 a woman was driven into the abortion mill parking lot, and when she got out of the car she tried to walk over and talk to a pro-life sidewalk counselor. A man got out of the driver's seat, chased her down, grabbed her by her hood, pulled her to the ground, and dragged her a few feet toward the clinic door.
Then he got her up and with a tight grip on her arm took her into the mill. Pro-lifers called 911 immediately. When the officer arrived, he was told what happened, and he went into the mill to look at the video. The officer was told that Wayne Webster was not there so they could not show him the tape so the officer left. Wayne Webster left the mill smiling and laughing a few minutes after the officer left.
2. In August 2007 an abortion supporter repeatedly punched and hit a pro-lifer outside the mill. The pro-lifer called 911, and when the police arrived, they went inside the mill to get their video tape of what happened. What a surprise to find out the abortion mill owner just happened to "forget to start all" of the dozen cameras he has on the mill property so there was no video record of the assault.
3. On May 2, 2006 the abortion mill landlord walked out of the mill and threatened the physical safety of the family of a Rockford pro-lifer who was praying on the sidewalk. When the police were called, strange as it may seem, the landlord said that on this morning, his cameras just happened to not be running.
4. In 2008 a large group of pro-life teens were praying on the sidewalk on Broadway when a car sped up and intentionally swerved at them to try and intimidate them. The police were told, and an officer went into the mill to look at their video of what happened.
The officer came out and told pro-lifers that he saw nothing strange in the video. When the officer was asked to describe the car in the video, it did not match the car that tried to hit the pro-lifers. It was clear the abortion mill landlord showed the officer a different video.
Now, because of this permanent camera at the abortion mill, NIWC will not find it so easy to lie to the police and cover up crimes. This camera will provide a video record of all that happens every hour pro-lifers are at the mill.
An added bonus of this camera is that during 40 days for life this year, pro-lifers will have the police watching for their protection every hour they are in prayer at this killing center.
Labels: Rockford Abortion Mill
At 12/12/10 8:33 PM ,
TH2 said...
Was it a personnel change that finally allowed it to happen? "Forgetting" highly suggests a pre-existing internal antagonism toward pro-lifers.
At 13/12/10 12:16 AM ,
Al said...
TH2 - Good question as to why the city put up a camera. Esp since some on the Rockford City Council are big supporters of Webster & his abortion mill.
Webster has an amazing string of coincidences. Every time that having on tape something that would prove him or his employees at the abortion mill at fault if it was filmed just happenned to be a time he forgot to turn on the camera. & antagonistic is an understatement to describe his feelings.
I can only surmise as to why it was allowed to be put up. But how it works out remains to be seen.
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