Maryland Abortion Mill No More!!!!!
40 Days for Life Celebrates Maryland Abortion Facility Closure
September 29, 2010 ( - “It’s official!” reads the message from Michael, the local 40 Days for Life coordinator in Severna Park, Maryland.

For the seventh time now, the Lord has responded to 40 Days for Life volunteers’ prayers by closing the doors of a place where countless numbers of innocent lives were lost!
40 Days for Life came to Severna Park in the fall of 2008, and the focus from the beginning had been this Gynecare abortion facility.
However, the campaign faced a significant hurdle. The center was located in a private development, and the closest the volunteers could get was several hundred yards away.
But they prayed … and they prayed … and they prayed, that God would end abortions at this facility.
“God has heard our prayers and has moved; but we still aren’t done yet,” said Michael. “We need to continue to sing to and praise God for the answers and grace that He has shown these past few months. Countless lives have been saved and will be saved because of the closing of Gynecare in Severna Park!”
There were MORE answered prayers this week in Texas.
A nurse walked out of the abortion center that is the site of one of the 40 Days for Life vigils in the El Paso area and gave her phone number to one of the prayer volunteers.
“Please help me find a new job,” she said. “I quit!”
When we pray at an abortion center, we’re praying for the mothers and babies, of course. But we’re also praying for the people who work at those facilities.
Some of them are determined advocates of “choice.” Others are simply people who need a job, and in these economic times, the options are often limited.
Still others don’t fully understand what they’re getting into when they sign up for work at one of these so-called reproductive healthcare centers.
That may be the case with a man who just recently took a job as a security guard at a facility where a 40 Days for Life vigil is in progress.
Over the weekend, he was approached by a young woman who had come for an abortion — and she’s pregnant with twins!
The abortion was her boyfriend’s idea — not hers. In fact, she didn’t want the abortion at all. But he was pressuring her, and she explained her situation to the guard.
His response: “Do what your heart tells you to do.”
That was amazing enough. But the guard then told the boyfriend that it was basically time to man-up and do the right thing. And, he added, if the boyfriend continued to threaten his girlfriend, she could press charges.
The young man broke down in tears and admitted he was wrong. The couple then left the abortion center.
Michael in Maryland sent a scripture verse with the story of the abortion center closing. It talks about faith. It’s worth repeating:
I tell you the truth; if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.
— Mark 11:23
Please thank God for the miracles in Maryland and Texas — and please pray for His guidance for the security guard who provided unexpected support for a young mother. And BELIEVE!
Labels: 40 Days for Life, Planned Parenthood
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