On Behalf Of EricScheidler
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 6:33 AM
Subject: Follow the big Cecile Richards protest in Cedar Rapids on Facebook and Twitter
In a few hours I'm hitting the road with a van full of crew and supplies forthe big protest of Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards' appearance in Cedar Rapids, Iowa today.
Richards is descending upon the Heartland today to "celebrate" Planned Parenthood's 30th Anniversary in east central Iowa.
Over the past 30 years, Planned Parenthood has killed tens of thousands o
funborn babies in Iowa. ABORTION is nothing to celebrate!
You can follow the protest LIVE on Facebook and Twitter, starting from the moment I pull out of the driveway:
Between updates and tweets, please keep the Pro-Life Action League and all
our pro-life friends in Iowa in your prayers.
Yours for Life,
-- Eric
We'll be leaving from DBQ in a little over an hour. Sorry I can't tweet or remote facebook (unless someone else has a way for me. But I will get up a report by Saturday. Keep praying folks.
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