Originally, I wans't going to comment on the whole recent attack on Papa Benedetto & his handling of some abuse cases over the years. Plenty of other people have done an excellent job. But then yesterday something my paisan, Fr. Trigilio, wrote on his blog got me thinking. In the post (
An Inconvenient Truth) he was talking about how the secular press is being manipulated by dissident Catholics. & while I agree the dissidents are using the press & the recent scandals to forward their agenda, I suspect the Main Stream Media is lot more willing than even they would like to admit. Mainly because they both have the same agenda, to undermine the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church to forward a pro-abortion, pro-contraception, pro-gay rights, pro-radical feminist agenda.
& in doing so they are, as Fr. Trigilio so rightly points out, "abusing the abuse cases by using them for their own agenda. They are taking facts out of context and manipulating the conclusion so as to promote their own ideology. Since they had no ammunition to discredit then Cardinal Ratzinger and now Pope Benedict, they throw as much mud and filth as possible HOPING something will stick."
Child abuse is always horrible. & I say so for some very personal reasons. (& no they have nothing to do with any priests or religious.) I know people who have been sexually abused as well as physically. It can never be condoned.
Yet, that is exactly what the MSM is doing. Why o I say that? Simple, they are trumping up these charges against the Pope. Yet how much attention have they payed to all the willingness of aborton clinics like those Planned Parenthood runs to cover up statuatory rape & incest so they can give undeage girls who have been sexually abused an abortion.
Live Action has worked for years to show how Planned Parenthood has covered up rape & sexual abuse, yet how much attention has the MSM payed to their efforts? How much attention has the MSM paid to those victims who have come forward & sued PP? Little to none. & when they have paid any attention the MSM lets the claims that PP didn't know what the tapes show they actually did know. (
Video of Planned Parenthood Hiding Sexual Abuse Sent to Wisconsin Officials) Other times the MSM has attacked the victims or Live Action to make them the bad guys. As Fr. Trigilio said, they abuse the abused.
Planned Parenthood is guilty of covering up child abuse. Planned Parenthood is guilty of helping enable child abusers to continue to sexually abuse children.
So this brings up the obvious question. Why is the MSM giving PP a pass? Simple, PP promotes abortion, pre-marital sex & the same homosexual agenda that the MSM & their dissident Catholic buddies want.
This IS NOT about the abused children. While some of the reporters probably do care about the children, I suspect the majority just see them as a means to an end, to attack & destroy the Catholic Church. If it was about the children the MSM wouldn't be as guilty, if not more guilty, that those Bishops who betrayed their vows by intentionally covering up the actions of priests who sexually abused children & teens. & I say more guilty because most of these Bishops, wrong as their actions were, didn't compound it by abetting abortions as the MSM is by abetting PP. & some of what has been called covering up wasn't covering up as those Bishops did send those priests in for treatment, the same type covered by ObamaCare that I recently put a post up about. If it was wrong for the Bishops to do send priest for treatment & then assign them to a new parish, why is the current requirement being tauted as protecting children? Again, because ObamaCare promotes abortion.
As I said, those Bishops who did cover up what the priests did, or were guilty themselves as Archbishop Weakland was, were wrong. They betrayed the teachings of the Church. As another aside, do you notice the pass that pro-homosexual agenda, pro-radical feminist &, I suspect, pro-abortion Weakland was given by the MSM, esp in the incident of the Milwaukee priest currently being used to attack the Pope. Just more proof of my point.
On the other hand, as has been proven time after time, PP wasn't violating anything in its policy, it was actually following policy. & that policy is to cover up rape & incest because it will cut into their business should they report these rapes & acts of incest. As has been sad many a time by myself & others, abortion is the sacrament of their secular humanist religion. & by child abusing rapists & those guilty of incest forcing their victims to get an abortion, PP, the MSM & dissident Catholics see the abortion as granting these child abusers of their sin, not making themselves guilty of aiding & abetting in it.
Like I said, the MSM & the dissident Catholics don't care about the victims of priestly sexual abuse. If they did they would be screaming just as loudly against PP & people like Kevin Jennings. They would be paying more attention to the amount of sexual abuse done by teachers & other liberal "Christian" religions. Oh wait, the teachers union is pro-abort, gay etc. & so are many of these Churches. Still more proof of my point. No, all they care about is attacking the Catholic Church because it, depsite the flaws of members in it, against abortion, against sin, against so many of the things the MSM, Obama, PP & the dissidents want. The Catholic Church is the bastion of truth that proclaims the truth, Jesus. The Catholic Church calls sin sin. The Catholic Church proclaims the only true way to salvation, through Jesus' death on the Cross & His Resurrection from the dead. The Catholic Church proclaims that a person cannot continue in sin but MUST repent.
The Catholic Church will continue to be attacked from without as well as from within. There have been Bishops & priests since Judas Iscariot who have betrayed their call & will continue to do so. There have been people from without who have tried to destroy the Catholic Church as well. They may do harm in the short term, but in the end they will fail. Why? Because Jesus promised us that the Catholic Church will not only survive, it WILL triumph even should it attack the gates of Hell (Matt 16).
When there is wrong done by those inside the Church, we must stand up & speak out against it, not cover it up. But we must also realize that these disident Catholics & the MSM etc, don't care about the Catholic Church except in so far as it is a sign that reminds them they are on the path to eternal destruction. & that is what these attacks in the press boil down to, an attempt to silence the Catholic Church so that they don't have to face their sins as well as bringing as many others as they can down to destruction with them.
In the meantime, until the SM starts to treat what has gone on within the Catholic Church accurately & quits giving PP, NAMBLA, dissident Catholics like Archbishop Weakland & the Obama administration a pass for doing the same & worse, then all I have to say to them is: BASTA!!!!! You have lost all moral authority as well as any credibility you may think you have. Abortion is not a sacrament that allows for the covering up of sexual abuse, rape & incest. It doesn't allow you to condone homosexual acts, pre-martital sex, artificial birth control & a radical anti God agenda. Abortion is an intrinsic evil that you wholeheartedly approve of thus making you agents of evil, not God.
I pray that God will lead you to repentance before it is too late. If not some day you will have to answer for those deeds that condoned sin as well as shut the door of salvation to others by your attacking of God's 1 True Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church.
& for the rest of us, we need to remember that what the MSM is doing isn't about the children, it is about advancing their anti-God agenda. Yes, I am angry, just as Jesus was angry at the Moneychangers as well as the Pharasees & Saducees. Yes, I am zealous, just as St, John the Baptist was, just as Jesus was when he was here on Earth & just as the Apostles & saints were down through the ages. I love this Church that Jesus founded. & I WILL defend her from all attacks, within as well as without.
At 1/4/10 1:54 AM ,
TH2 said...
Holy smokes, Al - And I mean that literally. What a post! Probably the best I have read since I became aware of your blog. Thank you, sir.
At 2/4/10 12:21 AM ,
Al said...
TH2, Like I said, I am angry. I am tired of seeing the victims of abuse being used to attack the Church. & as I said, there is a personal reason or 2 for it.
Here in Eastern Iowa I am ashamed to say we have Eastern Iowa educators charged with sex abuse crimes since Jan. 1, but has that made the National news? The latest was previously charged in 2008 at another school.
But since the teachers unions are pro-abort, pro-gay rights they are less willing to say so unless forced to. & even more disinclined to do so because it will put what happenned in the Catholic Church into context & they can't have that if they want to advance their agenda to attack the Church.
At 2/4/10 5:35 AM ,
TH2 said...
I am angry as well. It is no coincidence that the attacks against the Pope / Catholic Church intensified during Holy Week. I wonder if any other vicious and unfounded attacks will come durind the Tridium.
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