Now normally, I ignore the majority of celebrity headlines. But in this case when I saw it, I was disgusted. & then when I saw the line below, I was even more disgusted about how far from a Godly view of things we have gotten.
I think you can see why this caught my eye. My 1st thought was how they were saying that a woman having a new baby is no different than an animal giving birth & that the offspring were no better than animals.
But then I thought, no many animals are actually protected from before birth. But a human baby is afforded no protection & can be killed at anytime before birth. & if some people have their way, even after. But if it was a condor or even a real seal, then it would be protected.
& the way this demeans women. Why aren't the feminists screaming. I thought they objected to women being considered baby factories. But in this case. . . .
As for the fashion bit, I know that is a pun on delivering the baby. But it has a bit of truth that I don't think they realized. Again, it shows how little our society values children. By comparing them to changing fashions, it shows how disposable they see children as.
I could go on & on. Instead I will conclude with a few thoughts from Pope John Paul taken from his Apostolic Exhortation
FAMILIARIS CONSORTIO. I think the difference between th world's view & God's view will be clear.
"According to the plan of God, marriage is the foundation of the wider community of the family, since the very institution of marriage and conjugal love are ordained to the procreation and education of children, in whom they find their crowning."
"In the family, which is a community of persons, special attention must be devoted to the children by developing a profound esteem for their personal dignity, and a great respect and generous concern for their rights. This is true for every child, but it becomes all the more urgent the smaller the child is and the more it is in need of everything, when it is sick, suffering or handicapped."
"Concern for the child, even before birth, from the first moment of conception and then throughout the years of infancy and youth, is the primary and fundamental test of the relationship of one human being to another."
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