Yes you read that headline right. Elston McGowan is the Public Service Director of SEIU Local 2000 (& 2009 Green Party candidate for mayor of St. Louis MO as well) who was 1 of the SEIU thugs who beat
Kenneth Gladney after the Russ Carnahan town hall meeting in St. Louis last month.
For those of you who may have forgotten, here is the video:
Well, it appears that he was on the clock when he attacked Gladney & is now he is asking the SEIU for workman's comp for the injury he suffered at that rally while beating him up. Also, SEIU Local 2000 is paying for his legal fees after his arrest.
The fact that McGowen sees beating up those who oppose Obama & the Democrats agenda as a part of his job does not reflect well on the SEIU. & it gives you an idea into the mindset of that organization as well. IMHO the SEIU is fast crossing over into becoming a terrorist organization. & if they are willingly being used by Obama & the Dems to achieve their agenda, what does that say about the Democratic Party as well????
At the least it lends a lot of creedence to Jonah Goldberg's claims in his book Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning. (A book well worth reading.)
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