15 August 2009
The White House is pleased to announce that, after being retired for several years from his job as CTO (Chief Tempting Officer) in the Lowerarchy of Hell, President Obama has convinved Screwtape to come out of retirement & work in a specially creating position promoting ObamaCare. His 1st duty was to compose the recent e-mail sent out that that "Enemy of the People",
Major Garrett, actually had the temerity to question where we got the lists of addresses we used.
Assisting him in his new post will be his nephew, Wormwood, as well as former co-workers in his department,
Snakebite & Braintwister. His former executive assistant, Toadpipe, has also come out of retirement to again serve his needs.
We are enclosing a picture of Mr. Screwtape at work.
Robert L. Gibbs
White House Press Secretary
NOTE: Be sure this release is only sent to our friends at the Main Stream Media & that FoxNews & our other enemies in talk radio & the blog-o-sphere (Laura ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Glen Beck, etc) do not receive a copy of this as they will use this to justify more fishy claims about ObamaCare that we will then have to investigate & deal with.
Labels: ObamaCare
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