I recently came across an article that talks about former President Carter's split with the Southern Baptist Church over his perception of how they treat women. (
Jimmy Carter Leaves Church Over Treatment of Women) My purpose is not to defend what the Baptists do or don't teach. Nor is it to point out how both the author & Carter misrepresent what the Baptist Church really teaches. What I want to point out is how his split is spun to make him the hero & the Baptist Church the villian for standing fast to its basic tennets.
But before I get to my point I have to make 1 other comment about the unnamed elephant in the room, abortion. Carter doesn't directly mention it, but he does use the words used to promote access to abortion. Here is the quote with emphasis on the code words: "it also costs many millions of girls and women control over their own bodies and lives, and continues to deny them fair access to education, health, employment and influence within their own communities."
But it is the final paragraph of the article, written by the author of the piece reporting on Carter's split that is the most disingenouous. She writes: " The question for Carter -- and for others who find themselves at odds with leadership -- is, when a group you're deeply involved in starts to move away from your own core beliefs, do you stay and try to change from within or, at some point, do you have to look for the exit? Carter did give the former a shot -- in recent years publicly criticizing and distancing himself from church leadership, while staying involved with his church. Now, he's seeing if absence might do what presence did not."
The fact is that never have the Baptist Church's core beliefs changed. But Carter's have. He claimed to be pro-life at 1 time, thus misleading many of us back in 1976 into supporting him. Later we found out he lied to us, which is why I & many others like me voted for Reagan in 1980, we realized he lied to us. & now she is making him into the poor martyr who has always been true to a set of values (I guess lust & bearing false witness are positive values in her mind).
I can tell her that his abscence won't make 1 whit of difference in what the Southern Baptist Church does or doesn't believe. They won't change because he left to bring him back. He is a dissident who has left.
As I was reading this I saw some parallels with the problems we have in the Catholic Church with those gangs of "Catholics in Name Only" (CINOs) dissidents that are trying to undermine Catholic doctrine.
These CINO dissidents are doing their best to undermine 2000 yrs of the truth that has been taught by the Catholic Church. They are trying to do what Carter did. & they will have even less success than he did. But in the eyes of Main Stream Media people like the author, they are just as much martyrs as Carter is. In reality they aren't, they are fools on a fool's mission.
So, if the Southern Baptist Church isn't likely to change to suit those who approve of homosexual marriages, abortion etc, then it is a sure bet the Catholic Church never will. These CINOs are the ones who have moved away from core beliefs of the Catholic Church. It is they who must change, repent & turn away from the path they are on. The Catholic Church can't & won't change if it is to remain the Church founded by Jesus. Otherwise, they should take a page from Carter & leave. Though I doubt they will, despite almost 2000 yrs of history that shows they are on the wrong side.
Final comment: I lost all respect for President Carter a long time ago. These latest actions of his just confirm my reasons for doing so. He is using his faith to promote himself & his own agenda, not God's. & some day he will have to stand before God & answer for it.
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