Since the shooting of Tiller, there has been a huge outcry in the pro-abortion camp that it is our fault because we call people like Tiller a murderer. & sadly so people who claim to be Pro-life are buying into it. I recently saw a letter in Our Sunday Visitor where the author said that we shouldn't use that term, in part because someone who is unstable might use that as a justification to kill an abortionist.
I'd like to ask that person a few questions.
1: Did you say the same thing was wrong for war protesters to say when they said that about President Bush during the Iraq or Afghan wars?
2: Why is it OK to describe someone like John Wayne Gacy or John Hinckley, Jr. a murderer but not Tiller? They have bothe murdered 1 or more human beings.
3: For that matter, since John Hinckley, Jr. modeled his actions on Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver did you call for the banning of that movie since it caused the same reaction in Hinckley you say calling Tiller & other abortionists a muderer causes in unstable people?
4: Also, Lee Harvey Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby because he was the alledged assassin of JFK. Should the press not say anything when a murder occurs, esp of a famous person, until the trial is over simply because something like this could happen? (I say alledged simply because Oswald was never officially convicted.)
I hope by now you see what is faulty in following your logic.
I refuse to stop calling abortionists murderers for 1 fact, they are. Yes, there will always be the wacko who will use something like a movie or a statement as a justification. But that doesn't mean we don't speak out the truth.
Abortionists kill over 3200 unborn human beings every day. Each killing is a murder plain & simple. An abortionist commits murder every time he or she kills a child. That makes him/her a murderer whether they do it once or 1000 times.
By not using the term murderer you are playing right into the Pro-abortionists hands. They don't want people to know what abortion is, what it does. They are the ones who oppose showing the pictures of what an abortion does. They know that the plain truth is what will turn people away from support of abortion.
This person's comments remind me of a scene from 1776. Towards the end of the debate John Dickinson questions calling King George a tyrant. In fact he demands the removal of the line where that occurs.
Jefferson's response is simple: "The King is a tyrant whether we say so or not. We might as well say so." The same is true about every abortionist. He or she is a murderer whether we say so or not. We might as well say so.
the other argument was that it might alienate them.
There are plenty of ways to reach people. But playing into their hands out of fear of alienating them is not 1 of them. Following your logic, Jesus was wrong to call the Pharisees & Saducees murderers because of how they were behaving. He was wrong to call sin, sin. He was wrong to call people to repent. jesus NEVER approved of sin & said so. Even to sinners. He said they were sick, spiritually & offered them healing. But you can't help someone get well if you pretend they aren't sick & don't need to do certain things to deal with the illness.
Update added 3:37 am, 7 July 2009
After writing this I came across a post by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf on a similar theme of being told to tone down the rhetoric used by Pro-Lifers. he makes some excellent points as to why we won't.
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