While I haven't commented a lot about Archbishop Weakland's tome he recently wrote to justify all the evil & sinful things he did, I came across something that I had to share to point out to the Archbishop how wrong he is to claim that his sinful acts weren't sin & that a loving God wouldn't allow anyone with homosexual inclinations "any physical, genital expression of that love?”
A couple of days ago I was skimming through Part 3 of the Byzantine Catholic Bishops of North American Catechism they put out in the 1990s. (Light for Living, Pt.3 The Mystery Lived) & came across an interesting section that talks about the Eastern Catholic view of sin that totally undermines anything Weakland is trying to say.
"God has outlined for us a way of life in which we can express the reality of our nature, living in communion with Him and with others. He has posted signs for our safety. . . . When we disobey . . . . we harm ourselves and others. We are punished by our sins, not for them. God is on our side. However, if we do not listen to Him (i.e. obey Him) damage continues to be done. We form an inadequate view of reality and try to live in conformity with it. This is the height of folly; and in the Old Testament :"folly" is one of the words frequently used for sin." (pg 62)
Now lets go back & look at what Weakland said: "If we say our God is an all-loving god,how do you explain that at any given time probably 400 million living on the planet at one time would be gay? Are the religions of the world, as does Catholicism, saying to those hundreds of millions of people, you have to pass your whole life without any physical, genital expression of that love? ”
Gee sounds like what he said there is a classic example of what the Byzantine Catechism defines as folly, doesn't it? Because of his wanting to remain in sin, Weakland definitely has an inadequate view of reality. & he is trying to live within it. & that is folly. As Catholic Church (Eastern & Western) has always taught that remaining in sin is folly. & it brings about its own punishment, both now &, if not repented of, for all eternity.
PS The answer to Archbishop Weakland's question is yes, they are to pass their whole lives living chastely by being celebate. No physical, no genital expression in any way shape or form. Our God is a truly loving God who has told us what is right & what is wrong. he gives us the free will to chose to obey or disobey. & when we disobey, we also bear the consequences. To say anything to the contrary is to turn your back on that loving God who made us. Such as what Weakland has said & done.
At 29/5/09 3:49 PM ,
Larry Denninger said...
Like Mark Shea is wont to say, sin makes you stupid.
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