Human Life International Announces Latest Winner of the Cardinal von Galen Award
In March Archbishop Sobrinho declared that the Catholic doctors and counselors who facilitated the abortion of the unborn twins of a nine-year-old girl had incurred in a latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication by themselves. Despite the doctrinal soundness of his decision, Abp. Sobrinho has been vilified by critics in and out of the Church. His decision was even criticized by Archbishop Salvatore “Rino” Fisichella, the President of the Pontifical Academy of Life, in L’Osservatore Romano.
“With this award, we are affirming that Archbishop Sobrinho stands solidly with the Church in defense of all innocent human life,” said Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of HLI. “Archbishop Sobrinho acted with great compassion toward the young girl and her family, and with even greater courage in making what he surely knew would be an unpopular decision. It is a travesty that, even now that the facts of the case have become known, certain officials in the Church have refused to reverse their precipitous judgments and publicly acknowledge the rightness of the excommunications.”
The Cardinal von Galen Award is presented by Human Life International to courageous bishops around the world who defend life from conception to natural death. The award is named in honor of Blessed Clemens August von Galen (1878-1946), who was bishop of Münster (Germany) during the Nazi era. Known as the “Lion of Munster”, von Galen both served and defended the poor and the sick, protesting against euthanasia and the persecution of the Jews.
The award was presented by Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula, JD, STD, head of HLI’s bureau in Rome; and Raymond J. DeSouza, Program Director for Portuguese-speaking nations worldwide for HLI. During the presentation, DeSouza honored Archbishop Sobrinho by stating: “Human Life International is honored to grant to Dom José Cardoso Sobrinho, Archbishop of Olinda and Recife, the Cardinal von Galen Award in acknowledgement of his heroic attitude in the fulfillment of his episcopal ministry, facing the displeasure of so many who promote the culture of death."
Among previous recipients of HLI’s Cardinal von Galen Award are Cardinal López Trujillo of Colombia, Cardinal Tumi of Cameroon, and Archbishop Antonio Arregui of Guayaquil.
Source: HLI Press Release
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