Joanne Hill. The loser is her daughter, 4 year old Naomi Hill (Right). Why do I say that? Because Naomi was murdered by her mother. Joanne is now on trial for that murder. According to prosecutor Michael Chambers, Joanne was ashamed & embarrassed by the fact that her daughter had cerebral palsy. Testimony at the trial describes how Joanne took her daughter & drowned in the bath. Then she dressed her daughter's body, put it in the car & drove arround intoxicated for 8 hrs. She then took the body to a hospital where she claimed the daughter was unconscious. Joanne Hill was arrested about an hour later.
Naomi's cerebral palsy is described as mild. I have known several people with CP. & whether mild or more severe, each of them was a unique person with plenty to offer all of us.
The "culture of death" says that if a person doen't meet a certain standard, that person doesn't have a right to live. The big problem with that is, who decides the standard. The fact is, the Main Stream Media (MSM) is in the corner of the "culture of death". That is part of the reason why they are so up in arms about Trig Palin. Sarah & Todd Palin's unconditional love for Trig is seen by them as an attack on everything they stand for. The Palins have shown that facts are, abortion is not the answer.
Dr. Andre Lalonde, executive vice-president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada captures the attitude perfectly. In an Globe and Mail report, he is candid about the concerns: "The worry is that this [Palin's example] will have an implication for abortion issues in Canada." He is right, it will have implications, as I already said, it shows abortion is NOT the answer.
The irony is DrLalonde's comments betray the hypocricy of his views. According to a LifeSite News article (
Canadian Doctors Group Worried Palin Example Could Pressure Some Women to Not Abort Down's Child): "
Citing his concern for women's 'freedom to choose', Lalonde said that popular examples about women like Palin, who choose not to kill their unborn children, could have negative effects on women and their families, reported the Globe." Despite claims that he & others try to be unbiased that very concern shows how biased he really is. What he is really saying is that women are free to choose, but only under certain conditions. If they don't meet the conditions as they see them, then it is wrong to keep the child. He is calling what is really a positive example a negative example.
Krista Flint, executive director of the Canadian Down Syndrome Society sees through his facade. In the same article, she is quoted as saying: "Many of the country's medical professionals only give messages of fear to parents who learn their baby will be born with the genetic condition."
She also says: "It's very dark. They hear a lot about the medical conditions that are sometimes associated with Down syndrome. They hear about the burden . . . it places on children and a marriage.". . . ."They hear about things like shortened life expectancy. They hear a lot about the challenges of a life with Down syndrome. That's why Mrs. Palin has become an example that could possibly stem the tide of families who abort fetuses after a positive determination for Down syndrome.". . . ."We know overwhelmingly the message families get is 'Don't have this baby, it will ruin your life,' and I don't think people would look at Sarah Palin and see a ruined life. Regardless of politics, I think it's a good example."
& that is exactly why the MSM, as spokesman for the "culture of death", hates the Palins choice as much as they do.
Even more than that, it is the attitude & message of those doctors like Lalonde that is behind why Joanne murdered her daughter. Because of their message, I feel they are just as guilty, if not more so, as Joanne is.
(For those of you who have somehow avoided knowing who Peter Singer is until now, he is an [alledged] bio-ethicist who's ethics are anything but ethical. IMHO, he is the poster boy for everything that is evil about the "culture of death". Singer is a "utilitarian" who sees more value in an unborn animal that in a newborn baby. This is a prime example of how evil his philosophy really is.)
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