In the 4th Century BC Hippocrates wrote an oath that all doctors took for centuries. In recent years some parts have been deleted/changed. Why? Well read the English translation of the original text 1st:
" To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death.
Nor will I give a woman a pessary* to procure abortion."
A more modern translation: "I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy."
Interesting, isn't it. The original oath pretty much made it a no-no to give out any medicine that will cause an abortion (or be used for euthenasia for that matter). To do so was considered harmful to the patient. These lines are omited from the modern versions of the oath. & what does the AMA have to say about those pharmicists who take the old oath seriously & refuse to dispense birth control drugs?
For millenia the accepted morality was that it was harmful to dispense drugs that cause abortion. It was never in the best interest of the patient. Now it is? Only to those who have sold out to evil. The AMA is definitely on the wrong side of this issue. They have jumped on the "culture of death" bandwagon.
While a large number of doctors & pharmicists have sold out, denied what natural law says about the evil of abortion & euthenasia & become "High Priests" for the "Culture of Death", there are still plenty of pharmicists & doctors who know what was right 2400 yrs ago still is right & what was wrong still is wrong.
The sound you hear is Hippocrates turning over in his grave!!!!!
Pessary: A pharmaceutical pessary is used as a very effective means of delivery of pharmaceutical substances easily absorbed through the skin of the vagina or rectum. The ancient equivelent of the Pill &/or IUD. (Source:
(Note: There are several Pro-Life organizations for physicians, While they all oppose abortion, they take a variety of stands on the pill.)
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