You have to wonder what kind of mindset/worldview a person has when they consider getting condoms to victims of a cyclone more important than (or at least as important as) getting them food, medical care & shelter. But I suppose this is understandable when you see birth control as an essential medical need rather than the intrinsic evil it really is.
The title of the News24 article says it all:
220 000 condoms off to Myanmar (H/T:
Catholic Cavemen) Anyone who supports an idea like this IS definitely off.
EXHIBIT A: UN Population Fund (UNFPA) aid advisor Chaiyos Kunanusont said: "
We don't want regular use of contraception disrupted. An emergency usually damages the health system, so people don't have access to condoms and contraceptives." As I said earlier about the mindset.
The news report goes on to tell what all the UNFPA is sending. "Flights were also carrying reproductive health kits, which included razors for cutting umbilical cords, clean sheets for delivering babies and enough contraceptive pills and injections to last 3 390 women three months." Except for the razors & blankets there is no moral justification for any of these items.
The whole mindset seems to be, let them starve to death, but if they want to have sex while doing so, then let's be sure they do so "safely". These people make Marie Antoinette seem downright philanthropic in comparison.
Talking about the UNFPA action in a post on his blog (
Rock for Life coordinator Phil Eddy points out a group that is working to counter the UN's mindset.
Food Not Condoms was started by students at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA.
The group has a very interesting fact about the comparative costs of condoms & food. "On the American market, a quarter cup of rice, a quarter cup of beans and 1 tortilla, the staple diet for most of the world, costs a mere 25 cents. Low end condoms, like the kind that are being sent over seas, cost approximately 50 cents. That means, the money from each Condom sent over could have provided 2 meals to prevent starvation and help raise the quality of life in places like Africa and Honduras. In 2005 alone, IPPF could have used their funds to feed over 206.8 million people who are starving to death as you read this." Not only is Marie Antoinette a philanthropist in comparison, she is a downright saint.
When organizations buy into Planned Parenthood's mindset about the importance of birth control, they also buy into PP founder Margaret Sanger's racist views. Think about it, starvation & reduced birthrates play right into Sanger's plans to eliminate those she saw as "inferior".
People in Myanmar need food, clothing & shelter, not more death. Yet that is exactly what UNFPA is sending, more death & destruction.
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