Another Voice Speaks Out Against Planned Parenthood
Suffice it to say I am not speaking for the NLA and these opinions are my own. I am writing this column to draw attention to a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, introduced in Congress in March by Rep. Mike Pence (R.- Ind.), who I believe deserves our gratitude.
I bring this up for two reasons: First, I'm directing attention to Supreme Court cases grounded in eugenics, the discredited bio-politics followed by founders and leaders of the birth control movement and specifically, of Planned Parenthood. Eugenics is the alleged science in support of the notion that --- contrary to the Declaration of Independence --- all people are not created equal. Second, as this goes to press, talk radio is boiling with charges against Barack Obama's minister, Rev.Wright, for alleged hate-speech, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Americanism. Wright was caught on camera accusing the U.S. of, among other things, attempted black genocide via AIDS. Mr. Obama apologized. Rev. Wright has not, as far as I know.
It turns out that the Rev. Wright is not a conspiracy-nut as to the general idea of government-backed black genocide, according to a convincing body of research and a recent book by feminist Angela Franks, Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Legacy: The Control of Female Fertility, McFarland & Company, Inc. (2005). Franks joins the ranks of a growing number of non-feminist (and yes, non-Black-Panther) historians in documenting that the American eugenics movement was greatly in favor of black birth-prevention, a sure-fire way to eliminate the race or severely cut back its ranks and political influence. Eugenicists abhorred the 'differential fertility' of blacks.
The significance of the history of the American Eugenics Society is its personnel overlap with Margaret Sanger's birth control organizations and legislation, plus the Society's supporting role in landmark cases like Roe v. Wade (see my article at, 'archives, fall 2004'), Griswold v. Connecticut (at least one of the plaintiffs was a eugenicist), Buck v. Bell (eugenic legislation upheld) and even Brown v. Board of Education (citing Gunnar Myrdal's book proposing to eliminate blacks with birth control, while arguing to increase equality to better judge who is 'fit' and who is not). It is not lost on most of us, I dont' know about Rev. Wright, that the government's insistence on providing pervasive access to the Pill in minority communities does in fact help spread AIDS and other infectious diseases by facilitating high-risk relationships.
Franks takes care to explain that eugenics is not always about gas chambers, labor camps and state coercion. In my own research, I found leading eugenicists defining their sick work as a vague quest to improve the hereditary quality of human stock, "using all agencies under social control." You name it --- law, medicine, education, taxation, immigration, war/peace --- the eugenicists consider every sector of society as their perogative to upgrade the gene pool by preventing births from the 'unfit' and 'feebleminded' du jour, and today, by picking and choosing 'approved' human embryos according to genetic acceptability.
Preventing births with contraceptives and abortion became popular in the U.S. after Hitler made forcible sterilizations and gas chambers decidedly unpopular. But Hitler in fact, as researcher Katharine O'Keefe pointed out to me, was boasting in the 1930's that he would eliminate Slavs by "systematic measures to dam their great natural fertility." He argued that this was a way of making inferior races die out "bloodlessly." The links between Hitler and Sanger's American Eugenics Society are too voluminous and repulsive to get into in this letter. It can be recalled, however, that Hitler legalized abortion for Jews, insofar as forcing Jewish abortions in a concentration camp can be considered 'legal.' It can also be recalled that Hitler's forcible sterilization laws of 1933 were modeled after California's forcible sterilization laws, designed by Sanger's colleagues at the American Eugenics Society, who won Constitutional validation in the United States Supreme Court. Buck v. Bell (1929). Still 'good law.'
We know the eugenicists were Sanger's colleagues because she and the next two presidents of Planned Parenthood, William Vogt and Alan Guttmacher --- the latter led through 1974 -- were also members of the American Eugenics Society. Franks documents how the eager members of the Eugenics Society banded together with Sanger to launch her/their vision for publicly-funded birth prevention (Planned Parenthood) targeted to 'the poor' (wink, wink, meaning blacks), along with, of course, how-to classes in schools via SIECUS.
In this column I'm urging the end of public funding for birth prevention (and while I'm at it, the end of tax exemption for birth prevention 'philanthropies'), I point out twin political issues: first, that Social Security allegedly lacks upcoming workers to support my generation of retirees; second, that President Bush alleges we have so severe a labor shortage that we require millions of Mexican workers to fill the gap.
I bring up these issues because almost no one speaks about the striking fact that Planned Parenthood and the American Eugenics Society have cost our country 50 million aborted-American lives, plus the lives of the aborteds' children (another 20 million? 30 million?), plus the lives those who were never conceived because of being prevented. Considering the Biblical scale of this human loss -- which, I add here, has landed disproportionately on blacks and other minorities --- and considering that the Congress and the Courts have propped it up for all these years, the first step is surely to stop the flow of federal funding.
One more thing, Rev.Wright's alleged anti-Semitism, racism and hate-speech do not hold a candle to the anti-Semitism, racism and hate-speech of some of the members of the American Eugenics Society. This is all the more reason that the judiciary and Congress should disavow, no, denounce, Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and eugenics-era programs designed to create a genetic Utopia in America.
Rebecca Messall, Esq.
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