Sometime in the 80s blue began showing up as a vestment color for Advent in the Catholic Church as well as in some Lutheran & Episcopal Churches. It was never officially approved by the US Bishops & Catholic usage has faded away for the most part (Not completely though). I initially got the impression that it was merely an attempt to make Advent different from Lent. Now I find out that there is a Catholic tradition for using blue that traces itself back to England & the old Sarum Rite.
With the traditional Anglican Churches liturgy being based on the Sarum Rite & a huge number of those churches seeking reunion with Rome, this vestment color may again become more commonly used in the Western Catholic Church. & although blue is not in general use in the Roman (Latin) Rite, it is a valid vestment color in some parts of the world for parts of the Catholic Church.
Most notably in the Western Catholic Rites is its use in the Mozarabic (Toledo) Rite that is mainly found in Spain.
In some of the Eastern Catholic (& Orthodox) Churches blue is also used. But it is a lighter blue than the Sarum Blue. In 1989 I attended a Sunday Maronite Divine Liturgy at St. Elias Maronite Church in Birmingham, AL. That Sunday was a feast in honor of Mary & the vestment color was a light blue. This is NOT an attempt to justify the use of blue in Latin (Roman) Rite Catholic Churches in the USA. It is forbidden & I clearly support the rules & regs found in the GIRM. & until it is officially OKed the only place blue is valid is as trim for vestments with a Marian theme. For now the only 2 valid colors for Advent are Violet & Rose on the 3rd (Gaudete) Sunday. All this is intended to do is let you know where you can & can't use blue vestments in the Catholic Church.
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