On Friday night 14 Sept. Gov.
Mike Huckabee made a stop in DBQ. He spoke at 7 pm at the Midway Hotel.
Gov. Huckabee was introduced by by Bob Vander Plaats. After giving a little of his background, the Governor went into his stands on several issues.
He called the Jihadist terrorists religious fanatics. He pointed out how dangerous they are & that we need to realize that they are waging a theological war. Part of their tactics shows how different they are from the average American. They cheer when a 14 yr old son commits suicide in the name of jihad. "We value the intrinsic worth of every life." He went on to say that whether the life is in the womb of the mother or trapped in a coal mine we value it & do everything we can to save it.
He also focused on the importance of our being independent is true only in so far as we are able to rely on ourselves to supply the basic needs, food & energy. He has great confidence in our country's ability to become energy independent, if we truly decide to do something about it.
I was very impressed with how the Governor handled himself. He showed a great sense of humor while being able to be serious at the right moment. & while it is clear that he has said these things many times before, he didn't come off as simply repeating them rotely. He was sincere in what he said.
It will be interesting to see how this "man from Hope" does as the campaign goes on. He is totally different from the last Arkansas Governor born in Hope who ran for president. & no matter how he does in the end, he will restore the luster to Hope that Clinton totally destroyed by his actions in the Governor's Mansion as well as the White House.
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