Today is the day that the US Bishops have declared as Respect Life Sunday. On 26 September the Committee for Pro-Life Activities, USCCB issued its
Statement for Respect Life Sunday 2006. (Adobe reader needed) As William H. Cardinal Keeler, chairman wrote in the statement: "This is a time to acknowledge, with gratitude & a profound sense of wonder, the mystery of human life: Because each of us is created, loved & redeemed by God, every human life is priceless, deserving respect & protection."
He goes on to say: "We pause, too, to thank those who help foster respect for life - in pregnancy centers, hospices, legislative assemblies, homes, schools & workplaces. Because of their efforts we can point to continuing signs of progress towards a culture in which human life is cherished. Young people are leading the way through their enthusiastic involvement in pro-life education & activism. Equally impressive is the growing number of youth committed to living chastely until marriage, a trend that has contributed substantially to the continuing decline in abortions."
He goes on to point out the changes in public sentiment. The are 2 areas in particular he points to. aThe 1st is the growing awareness to the violence inherent in abortion that is coming about through the discussion about partial birth abortion. The 2nd is the increased opposition to the use of the death penalty.
But he isn't viewing the situation through rose-colored glasses. He goes on to talk about the recent developments that are: "(R)egressive & harmful in their effects on human life." The 1st he points out is the RU-486 abortion pill. He goes on to talk about the recent approval of Plan B. He continues with the issue of stem cell research. He lauds the oft ignored or downplayed advances in the treatments using adult stem cells. Then he goes on to point out the way that embryonic stem cell reseach is being promoted through lies & exagerated claims. He reminds everyone that this research involves the "destroying of early human lives."
The Cardinal concludes the statement with a look at the view that those who are promoting the culture of life & follows up with a challenge to do all to get the truth out about this culture so that we can opt for the Culture of Life Instead.
"In 1973 the Supreme Court ignored the facts of human life in the womb, as well as the facts about abortion's negative effects on women, to find a constitutional 'right" to abortion. Today,in the same way, powerful groups in our society would ignore basic facts to promote a narrow & divisive view of the human person - a view in which human life is a mere problem, or even an object of research & exploitation rather than the divine mystery it truly is. Let us educate & motivate ourselves to ensure that truth - -the scientific & medical truth, & the profound truth about the dignity of each human person - will increasingly inform & guide our society'sdecisions about human life.
So, what can we do. there are many things that we can do today & in the days & months ahead. On this Sunday many Churches have what is called Life Saver Sunday. People are giving away small rolls of Life Savors for a donation to raise money for local Pro-Life groups to carry on their activities. (To ensure that it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of events for my parish's Fall Festival they wait until next Sunday to ensure that it gets more attention.) In DBQ the DBQ Co. Right to Life is bringing in a speaker who will be going arround to many schools & other orginizations to make presentations. I am sure this is being done elsewhere. Another thing you can do is find out what groups there are in your area & get involved. (Your local parish oofice or diocesan chancery can help you out there.) Some places will also be holding Life Chains on this day. A witness along a public road as a silent witness to those driving by.
The World Apostolate of Fatima, USA has set aside 8 Oct as a worldwide prayer day for the Sanctity of Human Life. Their hope is for a billion people to spent 20 minutes that day praying for that intention. They want to create "a worldwide current of prayer." They are doing this in response to the call found in
Evangelium vitae: that "a great prayer for life is urgent, which will embrace the whole world!" You can make a pledge to pray on their website.
Many groups regularly pray before abortion clinics. Many have speakers bureaus that you can contact to bring in a speaker on a variety of pro-life topics. If there is no pro-life group in your area or at yous school, maybe you can get 1 started. I am sure that other pro-life orginizations will gladly help you. You can financially support those groups that exist either locally or nationally. (See my Pro-Life links) These are only a few of the things you can do. EACH OF US HAS A ROLE TO PLAY IN BUILDING THE CULTURE OF LIFE. NONE OF US CAN BE BYSTANDERS. FIND YOUR ROLE & FULFILL IT.
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